A huge THANKS!!
As 2018 comes to a close, we would like to thank all of our customers for their business. We have done lots of new things this year, and we continue to develop our products to make them better for our customers.
Real baseball glove leather is unique and at the same time can be a challenge to work with. As we hone and develop better processes to deal with this particular leather, we always welcome your suggestions to help make our products better.
The custom requests are always interesting for us, and we love to hear the stories and history behind the gloves you entrust us with to create lasting memories that can do so more than just get dusty and moldy stored away from sight.
In 2019 we want our store to become more, and offer more of the things baseball people like. Your suggestions and ideas would be most welcome. As usual our signature wallets will remain our number one priority as we continue to completely hand make and hand stitch each and every unique wallet. We know that our products are priced above some peoples budget, and we will pursue more economical selections for those on a tight budget. Each wallet we hand craft takes hours and hours of preparation and production to bring you a one of a kind authentic baseball glove product
We wish everyone a great upcoming year! Both of us here at whenitwasagame.org deal with serious health problems, but find daily enjoyment and satisfaction in creating our unique items. Hopefully we can survive the winter and welcome the warm breezes and green grass of another baseball season.
From the cold plains of Nebraska, we wish you the best in the upcoming year!
Soli Deo Gloria